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Monday, January 08, 2007

Godspeed Matthew!

“Striving to please God is love itself, not the motive for it.”
Dyspraxic Fundamentalist

We are so blessed to be able to communicate with so many of our missionaries around the world and I hope each of you will remember them in prayer as they strive to love God and others.

Our dear brother Matthew leaves tomorrow on a mission trip to Japan. You might want to drop him a note before he goes but regardless please remember him in your prayers. I also understand that Antonio has another trip planned to India and has invited Matthew so please keep this trip in your prayers as well.

We’re hoping Matthew will be able to post updates on the trip but if he’s unable his site won’t go unattended in his absence. Along with Sarah, Rose and Antonio Matthew has also added the brilliant “H.K. Flynn” (a.k.a. Jodie) to his list of “cult members”



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm... the cult might explain the membership lull that Dorseism has been experiencing. What a relief. I thought it was me.

Sayonara, Matthew.

1/08/2007 08:55:00 AM  
Blogger Matthew Celestine said...

I am touched, Kc. Thanks for your valued prayer support.

1/08/2007 09:37:00 AM  
Blogger Rose~ said...

This was a neat post.

1/09/2007 09:03:00 AM  
Blogger Kc said...

Dorsey, it's the quiet before the storm.

Matthew, you may not get this reply but it's an honor to be able to pray for and with you.

Hi Mommy! (waving) Glad you approve. ;-)

1/10/2007 02:50:00 PM  
Blogger Curious Servant said...

He's a good egg and the Lord is sure to use him well.

1/10/2007 09:08:00 PM  
Blogger Kc said...

Amen CS!

You're a great blessing here brother. I pray all goes well with Isaac's driving experiences.

1/11/2007 03:24:00 AM  

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