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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Take time to be holy

How often do you find yourself anxious about a particular problem or circumstance? Sometimes it might consume your thoughts. You may feel as if you've got to do something or things will never get better. Perhaps they'll even get worse without your immediate attention and yet you're still torn as to what you could or should possibly do or say to correct the matter at hand. Consider this situation in light of Philippians 4:8 which says;

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." (KJV)

In order to devote our consideration to God and truly bring every thought captive to Christ we must first accept responsibility for the things we believe, and learn to question those beliefs. Remember our beliefs result in the action we take that leaves us with feelings of fear, dread and anxiety.

Those of us so often accused of only considering our own feelings usually only consider "how" we feel and not "why" we feel. If we give ourselves the time to find the reason for "why" we will usually identify the lie we believed that resulted in our actions that lead to the hurtful feelings. After we accept the truth we can apply the Golden Rule and learn to become the considerate and compassionate people God intends for us to be.

But what about those of us who rarely, if ever, consider "how we feel"; we who are compassionate and caring and constantly only consider "why" everything is so out of hand despite our best efforts? Why are we mental giants burdened with the task of solving all the problems of the world that others seem to so blatantly overlook? We might be shocked to discover that our anxiety is also the consequence of our being irresponsible with our feelings and believing lies. What's worse, we've likely encouraged others to be inconsiderate by constantly thinking "for" them and making it possible, or enabling them, to think only "of" themselves. This situation is usually the result of having refused to consider our own feelings prior to making a decision. We consider God, and others but don't give ourselves the time to consider our own feelings. We then consider ourselves selfless when in reality we're just plain lazy. It takes real effort to determine "how" we feel about certain circumstances and situations and we have a responsibility to God and others to let them know the truth about how we feel. No one can be expected to consider our feelings when they can't be known and by withholding our feelings we prevent others from becoming considerate. When we fail to take the time or put forth the effort to consider our own feelings we usually make decisions that are detrimental to ourselves and quite often, to others. If we are unable to determine how we feel about our part in any situation we have a responsibility to wait until we know for sure we can feel good about what we're going to do before taking any action.

In both examples above we can see the need to give ourselves time to resolve our feelings. Far too often the deceiver can use our impatience to tempt us to sin. We should never allow ourselves to feel forced or pressured into anything. We should question our reasoning and listen for answers like "I have no choice" or "I have to do something". If we accept reasons like those we will certainly fail to take the time to be holy. If we take time to be holy we'll find our mind free to dwell on those things that God intended.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Waiting seems so un-American. We are people of action. We like to accomplish. How messed up is it that I feel guilty in meditation, as if it's a luxury—as if I should be DOING something? I so often feel like Mary, knowing that Martha's coming around to chew my ass for not getting more stuff done.

I think more quiet in our lives would free us to consider our motives a little better (maybe that's why we don't get quiet—perhaps we fear that discovery). But we're too busy trying to emulate the people whose praises we sing for being able to get so much done.

Another great post, bro.

10/13/2005 07:28:00 AM  
Blogger Zeke said...

Wow, this is definitely right up my alley. I've been trying to force myself to slow down and focus on what's really important. To not be so driven by impulse.

Thanks, kc. Now I think I'll try to take your advice here.

10/13/2005 09:07:00 AM  
Blogger Kris said...

Great post kc!
Slowing down.... I was thinking to myself and talking to a close friend here at work before the last hurricane hit in texas about if some of the refineries were damaged so much that it would take 6 months to year to fix, then that would be a good thing to drive the price of fuel higher. Then it would slow down in this "idol" of consumption we have created in our country of 24/7 non-stop going after the dollar. I know, I know that was not your subject here, but it does relate some.

Take time to be Holy. Holy simply means "different" and that means different in the way God is different than us.

You make a very good point for us to consider why feel instead of just how feel. That has been the story of my life since the Father called me to salvation. Working the issues out of why I feel things is what I believe Jesus was talking about when He said "if you continue in My word, then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free".

Its not just continuing in His word to figure out the "do's & don'ts" its like you said its why I feel anxious about situations or problems that arise.
Learning do's and don'ts doesn't set me free, Jesus said, His word will set me free, so He must be talking about being free from negative feelings. If I'm free from the wrong beliefs that cause negative feelings which in turn causes sin then I will be set free from sin. Then I can truly be free to be holy just as God is holy.
Does that make sense?

10/13/2005 05:10:00 PM  
Blogger Kc said...

Dorsey we can start the “Great American Wait”! What could be more patriotic? Thanks for some good points. ;-)

Zeke consider it a small token of my gratitude for all your stirring articles. ;-)

Kris thanks so much and I think what you stated makes great sense. It helps to reinforce the underlying scriptural context for my reasoning. ;-)

To Jeff the podcaster: it really is work isn’t it? It goes so against our natural desire for immediate gratification. (BTW great podcast!) ;-)

10/14/2005 09:13:00 AM  

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