Behind Enemy Lines?
I was thinking...first my lungs were pretty clean. I had worked hard during my life to keep them that way. If someone wanted to ruin theirs by smoking, fine, but do so away from my unstained healthy lungs. But then...I thought...thought back to about two weeks ago. What's the use of having clean lungs if you can't lose them for the sake of other's?!! Saving this life and being self-righteous serves no one (as already said). So, I looked at this as an opportunity to lose my life in order that it might be saved. You only get one chance in life, why not hang out with drunks in a smoke filled bar watching rugby matches?
Gotta love this guy!
Labels: Devotion
Interesting article. Thanks for posting the link.
Thanks for reading Bro. Great to see Demerging re-emerging! ;-)
KC, This is definitely food for thought. Jesus did not hold himself back from ministering and sharing his love with those that needed it. How often we run away rather than run toward the needy.
So true Sis. Amy. We act as though we were commanded, "come and sit where it's safe" instead of, "go ye therefore..."
Indeed. We only have one enemy, and he's not a drunken rugby fan (although I do tend to think of him as French). ;)
Dorse, there times I can’t help but envy your way with words. ;-)
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