Denominationalism and the Church
Matthew has posted an article written by J. N. Darby where he clearly exposes the fallacies of denominationalism. Please feel free to comment here or on Matthew’s site but I would like your opinion on this topic. Are denominations necessary or are they simply an easy way for believers to avoid having to deal with the influence of Satan and the world on the Church? Does denominational hierarchy usurp the authority of Christ as the head of the Church?
Thanks, for the link, Kc.
If there are any comments here, I shall try to keep quiet. You can steer any discussion that way.
God Bless
Matthew please always feel free to interact here. I have no doubt you have considered this much more than most of us and have much to offer on this subject.
Dee thanks for the visit and for your thoughts. I've been very impressed by many of the more progressive Coc'ers I've conversed with and it always seemed they were more willing to take more of an ecumenical position than those before them.
Wow, what a question. I don't feel at all equal to it, but that's never stopped me before. I've had a theory about denominations, and I'm not sure how that theory is affected by Mr. Darby's text, but here it is: Denominations just are. Rooted in history, they each take on the flavor of the culture that formed them. People drift toward the church that reflects their culture. Hopefully, while they're there, they'll meet Christ. I don't know that denominations are what God intended for the church. However, just as God uses all things for good for Christians, I suspect that he uses the historical precedent that he gets handed by this sinful world and makes something marvelous out of it. God's mastery of the situation is certainly no excuse for just doing anything old thing we want. But, when God calls us to change, maybe it's just me, but I don't hear a call to large scale social or cultural change, like eliminating denominationalism. What I hear, like I said, maybe it's just me, but what I hear as God's prescription for change is a down-deep change in people, one of them at a time. I can't think of a good metaphor, but worrying about anything besides this seems like fiddling while Rome burns. How silly! Who cares? People are dying without Christ.
Carla welcome and thanks for your thoughts. I think I would have to agree with your reasoning though not your historical perspective. I was recently confronted with the perspective that the Church, as a whole, has fallen into such great apostasy that it will not recover before Christ returns. I'm still considering the implications of that perspective.
Denominations at their root are divisive. They are becoming less and less of a mark of certain doctrines as well. Many churches that have a certian name no longer espouse the doctrines of the conference to which they belong. Therefore not too much emphasis should be placed upon them.
We are to be known as the church of Christ, His bride, His body. That alone should suffice for recognition.
God bless,
I;m not big on denoms and I go to a nondenominational church. I agree that they formalize disputes insteadof seeing them resolved by God leading us into His truth.
Jodie when I see that every denomination was born out of unresolved conflict in the Church it reinforces my conviction. I really appreciate knowing your thoughts on this subject.
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